ever since the transing the internet server gave birth to greag the other day (i dont remember) she has been the very cornerstone of our lives.
here are candids from the day by day of greags life. she is a very talented woman. she has a lot of hobbies. photo credit: me (this is definitive fact.)
gah damn why she angry :sob: :sob: :oncoming_bus:
what is she hiding from us ?
greag on her first day of soccer camp!
greag voicing her opinion on the progression towards greener energy. (she is 100 companies causing 71% of all global emissions)
greag after i pushed her into the vat of nuclear waste
greag with these cool new hippie glasses she bought (she wants to become a hippie for some reason)
greag with this cool new punk haircut she got (she wants to become a punk too for some reason)
just kidding this is not greag! this is her wife (her name is "melman") giving her (greag took the photo) a kiss
greag on her sweet new ride (she had to take out a second mortgage for this) (she is not good with her money) (shes probably having a midlife crisis)
pls put greag back in the server i miss her